You may be wondering where I find the links for each issue of Jamstacked - or, perhaps more specifically, 'how do I get my post added'. My primary resource for Jamstack links is old-skool RSS. I subscribe to a ton of sites that produce relevant content and sort through them using Newsblur (my longtime RSS reader). Other great resources for Jamstack links are two great Jamstack Slack communities - The New Dynamic and the Jamstack community slack run by Netlify. Finally, I periodically check both Jamstack subreddits as well as #Jamstack on Twitter. But you can always feel free to DM me on Twitter with article suggestions as well.
Introducing Astro: Ship Less JavaScript Astro is still in early beta but the concept sounds interesting. The site is rendered to static HTML, and only loads JavaScript as-needed using an “islands architecture” to allow partial hydration. I have to admit, as someone who tends towards classic SSGs to limit the JavaScript I send to the client, this sounds very interesting.
Fred K. Schott
The Evolution and Redefinition of The Jamstack A thoughtful post that tries to look at the evolution of the Jamstack and come up with a current definition about what is (and what is not) Jamstack. It drove extended debate (some of it a bit heated) on The New Dynamic slack, so expect some follow up posts.
Sean C Davis
Can Dynamic Sites Go Serverless? Are there benefits to moving existing projects to a serverless architecture built upon the Jamstack? The author details why she eventually made the choice to migrate and what the benefits were.
Moriel Schottlender
Thanks for reading. Catch you next time — Brian