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Jamstacked Issue 57

The 'table stakes' of Jamstack

Published: Jun 9, 2022

Your update on all things Jamstack

#​57 — June 9, 2022
✦ web version

It's sometimes worthwhile when you work in an area that moves as quickly as the Jamstack does to take a step back and see how much things have changed in such a short period of time. Back when Netlify launched eight years ago, just deploying a static site quickly and easily to a CDN network seemed like magic.

Today's platforms need to replicate serverless functions to the edge while also handling "table stakes" like auth, search, SSR, etc. Today's table stakes were only recently complex problems we had not quite solved yet — and, as Fastly's Simon Wistow notes, deploying serverless functions to the edge already looks like the very near future's table stakes. So what's tomorrow's "magic"? Maybe replicating consistent data to the edge (which is already happening) or maybe something I can't even think of yet.

Brian Rinaldi

↘︎ What's good

The Buzzwordless Three Tenets of the Jamstack
Jaden tries to break down the definition of the Jamstack into a set of core principles around pre-rendering, microservices and frontend development. I think his last point about Jamstack not being a religion is key, because there’s even a ton of variation and flexibility around the tenets he lays out.

Jaden Baptista

The Case For Prisma In The Jamstack
Prisma is a an ORM built for JavaScript and TypeScript, which can be useful for connecting to data within the backend of your Jamstack application. Sam makes the case for Prisma and shows how to integrate it with Next.js, Redwood and Cloudflare Workers.

Sam Poder

Glitch in the Fastly Matrix: It's about Developer Experience
This somewhat makes the case for Glitch as Fastly’s Netlify – as in the glue that pulls together the user experience for building sites on their infrastructure. However my favorite quote from the post is: “Just being able to run JavaScript to the edge is going to be table stakes.” Completely agree and, in fact, it may already be.

Richard MacManus

✂︎ Tools, Resources & More...

  • Jamstack and Open Source with Eduardo Bouças (podcast) – Eduardo worked on Netlify's recent edge functions release and is an active contributor to open source in the Jamstack.
  • Hugo v0.100.0$page.RenderString now supports shortcodes and other shortcode improvements. You can now use shortcodes in the frontmatter.
  • Astro 1.0 Release Update – The release has been pushed back until July.
  • Azure Static Web Apps CLI – A new CLI for local development and testing applications that will deploy to Azure SWA.
  • FormEasy – An open source alternative to FormSpree that can submit your forms to a Google Sheet.
  • DigitalOcean Functions – DigitalOcean enters the serverless function market. They have what you'd expect and may be a good option if you're already on DO.

❖ Tidbits

The Latest Updates to Gatsby Cloud and the Gatsby Framework
The Gatsby Product Manager Patrick Sullivan describes the new features for Gatsby Cloud and the Gatsby Framework which are being rolled out this week. Version 4.16 release notes are here.

Patrick Sullivan (Gatsby Blog)

Strattic Acquired by Elementor
Strattic is a service that deploys a Jamstack version of your Wordpress site. They’ve been acquired by Elementor who has a WYSIWYG web site builder.


How To Create a 'Copy Code' Button Along with React-Markdown
Combining the react-markdown and react-syntax-highlighter libraries to enable code to be quickly and easily copied with a single button click.

Jay Simons (Designly Blog)

High Performance Personalization with Next.js Middleware
A detailed tutorial on providing content personalization—by user, geography and tech stack—for Next.js applications using the Plasmic ‘visual builder’.

Raymond Cheng (Plasmic Blog)

Running Jekyll on a Mac
Jekyll isn’t compatible with the pre-installed Ruby on MacOS, so you’ll need to use a separate installation, which this walks through.

Nicolas Frankel

Thank you for reading. Catch you next time. — Brian