It's been over a decade since web components were first introduced. There was a lot of hype in the years that followed and subsequently what seemed like a lot of disallusionment. However, a decade later it feels as though web components are finally hitting their stride and, as some of the posts here show, static site generators (SSG) and JavaScript frameworks will likely play a large role in their adoption.
Using Web Components With Next (or Any SSR Framework) A current shortcoming with web components today is that they lack support for server-side rendering (SSR). This means that, in JavaScript frameworks, the code to make Web Components work doesn’t run until hydration occurs. This post looks at a potential solution to this, though with some significant caveats.
Adam Rackis
Adding Components to Eleventy with WebC WebC is a framework-independent, standalone HTML compiler for generating markup for web components created by Zach. Using its corresponding Eleventy plugin it brings first-class component support to Eleventy (without requiring Vue).
Zach Leatherman
Server-Side Rendering and React If you're looking to get started using SSR and React-based frameworks, there were a number of links this week:
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Cloudflare Pages Gets Even Faster with Early Hints Early Hints is a new feature currently supported in Chrome version 103+ that sends “hints” to a browser about critical resources on your page (e.g. fonts, CSS, images) that the browser can immediately start loading before waiting for a full HTML response.
Greg Brimble
Thanks for reading. — Brian