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Jamstacked Issue 67

Updates from Next.js Conf

Published: Oct 26, 2022

Your update on all things Jamstack

#​67 — October 27, 2022
✦ web version

There's so much stuff to talk about this week. Of course, Next.js Conf 2022 was on this week and included some big announcements from Vercel including Next.js 13. I've got you covered with the details in case you missed it. The Web Almanac chapter on Jamstack generated a lot of discussion as well. Let's dig in.

Brian Rinaldi

📢 Next.js Conf Announcements

Vercel Releases Next.js 13 at Next.js Conf
Next.js 13 introduces some major changes, with a big focus on beginning to reduce the amount of client JavaScript required to run Next.js apps. The biggest is the introduction of the app directory, which can include shared layouts, React Server Components for server-side component rendering, components that support streaming data and new data fetching capabilities.


Turbopack: A Rust-Based Successor to Webpack
Turbopack is a new bundler written entirely in Rust that Vercel claims is 700x faster than Webpack and 20x faster than Vite. Currently it supports specifically Next.js, but support for Svelte and other frameworks is on the roadmap. In addition, support for Sass and Tailwind are both forthcoming.


Vercel Acquires Splitbee to Expand First-Party Analytics
Splitbee is an analytics tool that also includes automations and A/B testing, features that Vercel plans to roll into their Vercel Analytics offering.


↘︎ What's good

Jamstack 2022 in The Web Almanac
Each year, the Jamstack chapter of the Web Almanac tries to dig into the data held by the HTTP Arhive to determine growth and adoption of Jamstack. It’s a tough task. This year, co-authors Laurie Voss and Salma Alam-Naylor of Netlify try a new methodology, which they thoughtfully explain, to show significant growth in adoption.

HTTP Archive

What is a Static Site Today?
The author notes that very few sites are actually static in the literal sense, since they include some degree of dynamic capabilities. So he defines “static sites” broadly as being SSG with dynamic content via serverless or SSR with static assets deployed to CDNs.

Sébastien Morel

Web Components, Server Side Rendering & Progressive Enhancement
How to build a counter component using web fundamentals and progressively enhance it with server-side rendering via the new Enhance framework.

Simon MacDonald

First Experience Building with Eleventy's WebC Plugin
WebC adds support for components to Eleventy that are rendered during the build. Ray talks through his first attempt at building a component using the new plugin. Also worth checking out Ray’s tutorial on integrating Cloudinary into Eleventy.

Raymond Camden

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Thanks for reading. — Brian