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Jamstacked Issue 68

Here's what the Jamstack community thinks...

Published: Nov 10, 2022

Your update on all things Jamstack

#​68 — November 10, 2022
✦ web version

This week featured Netlify's Jamstack Conf in San Francisco, which occurred both in-person and hybrid this year. Besides the talks, one of the highlights of each year is the community survey, which I cover below. If you missed the event, videos are being added to this playlist on YouTube.

It already includes the keynote by Matt Biilmann, which clearly aimed at differentiating Netlify's vision from Vercel, who recently hosted their conference, as well as a discussion with a panel of OSS framework creators and contributors.

Brian Rinaldi

↘︎ What's good

Jamstack Community Survey Results 2022
For the past three years, Netlify has surveyed Jamstack developers about a variety of topics. Highlights from this year include the rise of remote work, a growing use of Jamstack for high-traffic websites, a rapidly growing usage of new frameworks like SolidJS and Remix while losing share for Gatsby and Nuxt, and fast web components and serverless adoption growth.


Gatsby 5: The Fastest Gatsby Yet
Gatsby 5 is officially out and includes faster incremental builds and deploys with the Slice API, a beta of partial hydration using React Server Components, a built-in script component, and an official head API with SEO support.


Experiments with Astro and the Shared Element Transition API
An extensive tutorial and demo exploring how to use the Shared Element Transition API (currently behind a Chrome flag) to create transitions that look SPA-like in a multi-page application using Astro.

Maxi Ferreira

Markdown, Asciidoc, or reStructuredText - a tale of docs-as-code
A deep dive into different markup languages and their relative pros and cons. It’s specifically centered around documentation, but it is very useful for any site that uses markup language (like Markdown for instance) for content.

Dewan Ahmed

❖ Tidbits

What’s New In Next.js 13?
There were a ton of overviews of all the new things in Next.js 13. This one covers all the bases including upgrading, the new app directory, new bundler and more. Also see Chris Bongers exploring new ways of routing and The New Stack's overview of the Turbo bundler.

Atila Fassina

Publishing Deno Modules on Netlify
If you’re interested in creating and sharing Deno modules, this tutorial walks through the process of setting them up in GitHub and then deploying the publicly available versions to URLs on Netlify.

Eduardo Bouças

'Gatsby Killer' Next-Drupal Brings Headless to Drupal CMS
Next-Drupal is a project that uses Drupal as a headless CMS with a Next.js frontend. This article discusses the project with its creator.

Loraine Lawson

✂︎ Tools, Resources & More...

Thanks for reading. — Brian