Databases Made Easy
Rob Sutter shows how new algorithms enable databases that provide consistency, relations, scale, distribution, and speed without sacrificing the developer experience.
NoSQL databases are used in most modern stacks. We will look Apache CouchDB in this hands-on webinar. There is no installation needed if you want to follow along, as we will use a hosted version of CouchDB.
This workshop is for the curious! Everybody is welcome. If you are new to programming, you will run into NoSQL databases sooner or later. This will be an overview with resources to delve deeper. If you are an experienced programmer and have only used RDBMS in the past, join us to learn NoSQL. These databases are very easy to use and should be part of every developers tool belt.
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Upkar Lidder is a Full Stack Developer and Data Wrangler with a decade of development experience in a variety of roles. He can be seen speaking at various conferences and participating in local tech groups and meetups. He is currently curious about magic behind Machine Learning and Deep Learning, specifically use of NLP in chatbots. Upkar went to graduate school in Canada and currently resides in the United States.
Rob Sutter shows how new algorithms enable databases that provide consistency, relations, scale, distribution, and speed without sacrificing the developer experience.
Leon Stigter explains why statefuless is important and how to leverage stateful patterns in your serverless applications.
Moar Serverless is a 1-day conference exploring how real-world applications are built leveraging serverless.
Anant Jhingran will explore whether GraphQL can bridge the divide between the backend and frontend developers by meeting the needs of both.
Simon Prickett explores what Redis is, why developers like it so much, and when to use its unique capabilities.