Starting with Svelte
In this session, Brittney Postma will walk you through how to get started building JavaScript web applications using Svelte.
I am the designer, frontend dev, and instructor at I’m a self-taught developer that started as a stay at home mom, and made my way into the tech business. I am a Developer Experience Engineer at Netlify, which means I get to do fun content around the Jamstack. I founded the Svelte Sirens, the first Svelte Society for women and non-binary. I am passionate about CSS and responsive design principles and love to work with new technologies, especially on the Jamstack. I volunteer as a mentor in several discord communities and love helping others achieve their goals.
In this session, Brittney Postma will walk you through how to get started building JavaScript web applications using Svelte. is a 2-day virtual conference focused on building real-world applications using the Jamstack.